Amanda's cake table
Getting ready to blow out the candles
Whew! We made it through last week, and are headed into the next one.
I may be coming down with something. I got a horrible splitting headache this afternoon, which is very unusual for me. Then I couldn't taste dinner. That was disappointing because we barbecued steak for Amanda's B'day party, and I made garlic mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I couldn't even taste the cake. I could only make out sweet and spicy. Oh well!
I am officially done with selling popcorn. The boys still want to ask people they know at church, and people in the neighborhood; but I am done standing outside of stores for hours at a time. At least until next year. They have about 10 days before they need to turn in their order forms.
Today I stayed home from church to be with Tommy, he was acting kind of sick. I also made Amanda's birthday cake and cleaned up the house some. It was a slow day after that. My mother-in-law was here for awhile, along with Scott, Amanda, & Josh. We all sat around and watched the Seahawks bomb out. Boy were they bad. I'm almost glad I'll be missing Monday night football next week.
I think I'd like to see a chiropractor. My neck and shoulders have been really bothering me for a couple of weeks now.
My step-sister sent me a friend invite on myspace. That was cool, I haven't heard from her in years. She's a nurse now, and a good one apparently. She has a lot to be proud of.
Here's a run-down of what's going on this week, in case I don't get a chance to blog. I don't have time to be sick either.
School with boys all week.
Monday night: Boy Scout Meeting 6:30-8, Cub Scout Den Meeting from 7-8:, followed by Boy Scout Board of Review from 8-9. I'm supposed to be the leader of the review (ha ha, yeah right) because I am technically the advancement chair. I need to find a way to get out of this particular position. I haven't actually planned out the den meeting yet either, but have several things to fall back on if need be.
Tuesday night: Church teachers dinner and training session, 5:30-7:00ish
Wednesday night: WOW!, Youth Group, and Adult Bible Study 5:30-8:00
Thursday night: Martha Circle Bible Study 6:00-whenever we get done.
Friday night: Collapse and hope the boys don't want friends to sleep-over, or hope they do so they will be entertained?
The good news is that I have no plans whatsoever for next Saturday. I hope to get some of Tommy's clothes boxed up until he grows into them.
Okay, that's enough for now. Have a great week everybody!