I have a
terrible head cold and all I have wanted to do for days now is sleep. Of course, that's not a very popular idea when you have a husband and three kids in the house....
Quick catch up: The boys had friends sleep over on Friday night. They were all pretty good, or I was pretty out of it...I don't really remember much. I know that when I told them they had played enough video games they were very quick to shut the machine down and go play outside.
On Saturday, I went to a baby shower for a couple that I know from Scouts. That may not be a big deal for most people, but for me it was a big deal. I was surprised to be invited in the first place, and I didn't know anybody else at the shower when I got there. I said hello to the proud parents, got myself a cup of coffee, and found a seat. I did get to hold the baby, and I said something about her being the first baby girl I've ever held, at least the first baby girl under a month old.
About the same time they opened the salad/chili/potato bar, another lady (Hope) I know from Scouts and Sports Club and Co-Op and swimming (yes, I guess I know her) did show up. She sat with me to keep me company. By then, I had managed to strike up a conversation with somebody else though, and managed to not feel like an outsider throughout the entire party. Hey, I even came in 2
nd place for both games we played.
By the end of the party Hope and I had both managed to invite new boys to visit our Cub Scout Pack this Monday. They would both be joining the youngest den, which is good since we need more in that den. It was incredible easy to tell them how to find us...I just told the lady I was talking to meet me in the room we were sitting in, and look for the only lady in uniform. Maybe my world is too small....
Which reminds me of something Ken said during his sermon this morning. If you don't have any non-Christian friends then shame on you. How are you setting an example for Christ, or sharing his love if you
only spend time with other Christians. There was more, but you get the idea.
My first week as Nursery Coordinator with other people working the nursery...first thing this morning I was told the heater isn't working. Ugh! They also made me a list of things they would like to have, or we need to have, in the nursery. Actually, I appreciated it. These ladies have been working the nursery a lot longer than I have. They kind of laughed about it, saying their next shift isn't for a month so I have time before they start complaining.
On the upside, I had a few more people approach me and volunteer to work the nursery. I am on my way to my goal of staffing a 6-week rotation. I can staff a 4-week rotation now, which is so much better than having nobody in there. God's will....he will provide....in his time.
I have a busy week coming up, and two days that require me to be at two different meetings
simultaneously. Yeah, that's not going to happen.
Monday is Scouts, of course....we're supposed to have a parent/leader meeting about becoming merit badge counselors from 6:15-6:45 over at Boy Scouts, while Cub Scouts are having their marble shoot and hot dog feed starting at 6:30. As Advancement Chair for Boy Scouts, I really should be at the merit badge meeting, but at Bear Leader for Cub Scouts I need to be at the marble shoot.
Tuesday, Jeff goes back to work. Last Thursday he went in for his DOT physical and was told that everything looks good, but the law says he can't drive a big rig for 2 months following a heart attack. Okay....so now they are going to find busy work for him to do. He'll be working on the trucks, making phone calls, misc. stuff both in
Bremerton and Tacoma. Anything to keep him working. It'll be good for him to go back to work and good for me to have my house back to normal, kind of. See, he'll be working days which is not normal, and he'll be doing that for the next 6 weeks or so. What happens if we decide we like him working days and then he goes back to nights? Anyway, I don't have any plans for Tuesday.
Wednesday is WOW! and youth group.
Thursday I have my Woman's Circle Bible Study at 6:00 p.m. in the South Room at church. Thursday I have a Staff meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Fireplace Room at church (which is directly under the South Room). Guess which one wins....the staff meeting. I also realized just today (only because I read it in black and white) that I am now fall under the "Christian Education" heading at church and I need to find out if that means I'm supposed to go to the CE meetings on Thursdays.
Friday I have no plans, yet. The boys might help with that.
Jeff has some blood tests in the morning, just to see that everything is going well. They'll probably check out all his levels and decide if they need to change his doses or anything.
I need to go to bed. Have a good week everybody!