Here's a proud mommy moment that I just have to share. Last night while I was playing around with pictures on the computer, Tyler came in and asked me if he could make some vegetable soup. I hadn't made dinner yet, so I told him he could.
A little while later, Tyler came back in and told me he had a couple of carrots and a potato. He wanted to know if he could use the mixed vegetables from the freezer. This caught my attention, so I went out to the kitchen to discover that he had peeled and chopped carrots and a potato, and had them in a pot ready to become soup. I told him he could use the mixed veggies, and I chopped up an onion when he asked me to. He added a couple more potatoes, a can of tomatoes, and water to his pot and set it to cook.
We all really liked Tyler's soup, and I appreciated not having to cook dinner. I let him know how very proud I am of him, and of the choices he made. Do you think I can get the 8-year old to cook dinner more often?
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