Wow! Where does the time go? I can't believe it's been so long since I logged on to my computer. I have to catch up on everybody else's blogs.
So, the kids and I were sick last week. We still have a terribly cough that just won't go away. Somebody advised me to rub Vick's Vapor Rub on our feet and then put our socks on before going to bed. It worked! I finally got a decent night's sleep when I tried that, instead of waking up coughing every 15 minutes or so. I don't think I even turned my computer on last week. When I did finally check my e-mail on Friday, I had over 500 messages! Yikes! Then I didn't check it again until today, and I had over 100 more. I may have to unsubscribe to my homeschool group if people are going to continue to be super chatty.
We made it out to Costco on Saturday. Yay! I really wanted to get some Johnny's Garlic Spread, and I can't find it anywhere else. I also really like their pumpkin pies. That was a busy day. Travis and I headed out first thing in the morning for a decorating/work party at the church. Our mission: to help decorate 6 bulletin boards throughout the church. We both had a good time. Travis was a huge help, hauling stuff to the far ends of the church and up the stairs, some of it was heavy stuff too. He basically took all of the supplies to the various bulletin boards. He then helped to put the borders up on a couple of them. I was assigned the bulletin board near the church nursery. I was handed directions and supplies to make a 3-D angel on the board out of gold wrapping paper and aluminum foil. I think it turned out pretty good. I'll try to remember to get a picture of it. While I was finishing the bulletin board, Travis played pool. He first faced off against a church elder, then against a lovely young lady from the church.
The fellowship hall was set up for the congregational Thanksgiving dinner, and I couldn't help feeling a sense of belonging as we walked through there, knowing I helped to get that set up. Travis was feeling it too, because he said something about having set out the salt and pepper shakers.
On our way home we swung by Lowe's and picked up the kids' project for Tyler. I wasn't able to take him down there, and he wasn't feeling well anyway. I got home and started to make dinner and do the housework. My mother-in-law came over, and shortly after she left my sister-in-law came over. After she left, my mother came over, she watched the kiddies for us while we went shopping.
On Sunday we went to church and the Thanksgiving dinner. That was fun. We sat on the pews along the walls where Travis has set out the individual tray tables for overflow seating. That fellowship hall was packed! But that was the point. After we got home I turned on the game and fell asleep before the Seahawks finished losing.
Monday was Scout day. Only 2 out of 5 of our Bear Den showed up, 2 were home sick and 1 is in Idaho visiting relatives for the holiday. We couldn't really do our skit with only two boys, but the Webelos were very helpful and quickly learned the skit. Tyler ended up having the punch line, which pleased him. I had originally told him he couldn't do it, and assigned it to one of our absent scouts…I can't have Tyler in the lead role every month, no matter how much he wants it. However, under the circumstances Tyler was the only scout who knew the joke and the role, so he got to do it.
They boys got their popcorn selling prizes last night. Travis earned a survival kit—two pocket tools: one with a knife, spoon, and fork; the other with everything else (corkscrew, knives, screwdrivers, etc…). Tyler got a Wal*Mart gift card.
After Scouts, Melissa and Geoff came over. Yay!!!! Yay!!! Yay!! Yay! Wow! She looks great! I am very impressed and very happy for her. Geoff watched wrestling with Travis while Melissa and I chatted in the kitchen. The boys had been chomping at the bit, waiting for them to show up. I had to convince them that we don't need to squeeze everything into the first hour, or even the first day. They wanted to tell our guests everything, show them everything, I thought they would burst! Today they were antsy waiting for M & G to come back, but I think I have finally convinced the boys that they will have plenty of time to spend together and to just relax for awhile. Obviously, Melissa and Geoff are important people to my guys.
I am pleased to report that I have gotten my work-out in almost every day, and have walked at least a mile every day. Travis is a good one for reminding me to walk. He likes to get out for the exercise and the fresh air; he also likes to buy chips at the store that is .6 miles away from our house. I registered a loss at my meeting this week. Cool! I also have a non-scale victory of having dropped a pant size. Cool, cool!
Well, that's all the time I have for now. Don't know when I'll be back. Hope you all are doing well, you're in my prayers! Happy Thanksgiving!
You guys look great, that is such a goos picture of you both , put it in a frame!!! Have fun I love you guys!! Love..........Later..........Rainbow
I'll have to pass your compliment on to the photographer. Tyler has been practicing!
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