I spent a good part of yesterday thinning out Tommy's wardrobe. I have a huge pile of stuff for the charity truck next week, and have narrowed his choices down to 10 shirt & pant outfits, 4 pairs of jeans (2 blue, 1 brown, 1 light tan), 14 shirts, 2 sweatshirts, 1 sweater, 5 jackets, 2 vests, 6 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of swim trunks, 3 pairs of sweatpants, a handful of onesies, and 7 sets of jammies. He needs more socks. This inventory is only of size 18 months. Incredible.
We have been blessed with an abundance of clothing for this child. I haven't even begun to go through the rest of the clothes, sized 24 months to 4/5. I also want to go through the stuff he's outgrown, and keep only a reasonable amount for each size (just in case) and pass the rest of it on.
While in the midst of this project, I found several items I don't ever remember seeing before. One of these was a shirt that Tommy just had to wear today, so it was set aside special for him.
Can anybody guess how old I am today?
Wow, is it your birthday today? If so, happy day to you. Your little boy is so cute. Maybe going to try for that little girl still????
Maybe....but then all the extra boy clothes would go to waste.
Happy birthday to you!! Tommy sure does look cute in his pictures, and the big "36" perfect for your birthday. Love.........Always.Rainbow
I,m guessing----36? You don,t look a day over 29. Remember those words as the years start to go by! Hope you had a great day and a late Happy Birthday to you!
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