Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Hodge-Podge of pictures.
Wow! They uploaded really fast!!! Only a minute or so.
Theler Wetlands Hike in the rain
It is pretty, isn't it?

The boys were interested in the Whale information.

They were equally interested in the skunk cabbage.

This tree made me think of Melissa

Taking advantage of some sunshine.

Shooting at Mom & Me Camp

My new cell phone actually takes decent pictures.

But Travis didn't want me to play with my camera.


Kim said...

Isn't high speed internet great!! Don't think I would ever want to go back.

Rainbow said...

Glad your back!! Now I just need to come back!! Love the pictures.

Renlim73 said...

Thanks for the trees- You know I love them!
Stay well, and keep sharing the pics, I love them!