Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19th

Cardio Party:  45 minutes
Ab Jam:  10 minutes standing

Wii Fit Age:  22

The boys and I walked down to the playground by the YMCA today.  They had a good time for awhile, then Tommy spotted the childcare center (right next to the playground) with all the cool toys for Preschoolers.  He just couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to play with them.  He tried to crawl under their walls, tried to open the gate, climb over the gate, and threw a fit every time I carried him back to the playground.  We finally had to give up, strap him in the stroller, and head for home.  We hadn't made it very far when he declared that he wanted to walk.  He ran almost all the way home, uphill!  What a very energetic 2-year old.  He was ready for a nap not long after we got home, and he put himself down on the couch.

We had a good school day today.  The boys are showing progress in their studies, Yay!!!  Today we did a fun drawing/writing assignment after they had finished their other work.  It was like Yamodo, where you complete a picture that only has a couple squiggles or something, then I made them write a story about their picture.  Not bad for two boys who love to make things up but complain about having to write.  I'm thinking I might add that in every Friday afternoon, it was fun.

The weather has been beautiful lately.  I hope it holds out, we're going to a barbecue tomorrow afternoon.  Have a great weekend!


Rainbow said...

It sounds like a very busy day...Awesome job on the exercise this week...I bet you are feeling and looking awesomw!!

Lori said...

Feeling pretty awesome, not looking much different though. Give it time, give it time.