Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th

No formal workout today, not yet anyway.  I'll have to make it up tomorrow.  Instead, Tyler and I went and picked up branches for 2 hours with the Cub Scouts.  The Cubs worked in conjunction with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts today and had a clean-up day for our Chartered Organization (the church where we have Scouts).  We all had a hotdog lunch afterward.

Charles got to leave the hospital yesterday.  I was told Carie was going home yesterday too, but have yet to confirm that.  I'm hoping that means things are looking better for all concerned.

Dinner is cooking.  I am still really tired.  I keep falling asleep, urgh.  Hope you are all well.


Kim said...

I would think that 2 hr. of picking up sticks would equal a workout.

Lori said...

I was thinking that too, except I didn't really work up a sweat or rasie my heart rate to optimum. But it definately counted as low-impact exercise.

Renlim73 said...

I am having a hard time reaching you. . . lol Carie is home. Dad went to see her, and got to bring her home. I will give you more details when I can indeed talk to you.
I agree, picking up sticks does count as a low impact workout. What does five hours of walking around serving food in boots count towards? ? ? Love ya!