Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Day

Jeff and Geoff got in a little after midnight. The adults sat up and talked for a bit before heading for bed.
Tyler was up at 4:00 a.m. I sent him back to bed until 6:30; but he was kind enough to let us sleep until 7:00 before getting up for stockings and presents. We got through the gift-giving craziness of the morning, and greeted Melissa and Geoff as they arose.

I don't recall if any of us had breakfast. I know that Jeff took Melissa and Geoff over to their family for Christmas, and then picked up my mom and Daymon for Christmas at our house. Mom made a turkey dinner at our house, because I had said I didn't want to do any work on this holiday. I just made the gravy. Scott and Amanda came over.

The boys played outside some on our white Christmas Day. We played a little Rock Band, but mostly just hung out for the day. Jeff wasn't' feeling well and he didn't want to do much. We were all pretty tired, so everybody went home fairly early, and everybody went to bed fairly early. All in all it was a nice Christmas Day.

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