Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16th

Cardio Party:  45 minutes
15 minutes of Fat Burning Bellydance...that's a toughy.

Carie is getting the help she needs...they think she may have had a mini-stroke which has caused the recent onset of neurological stuff.  She is getting help learning to walk again, yay! 

Charles is in better condition than he was a couple days ago, but I'm not sure what that means.  I don't have any more details on him than that.

I wanted to go see Carie today, but unfortunately circumstances didn't work out for me to do that.  I feel really bad about it too, because nobody has been over to see her since I dropped her off.   I know how much I hate being hospitalized, and I imagine she must be very uncomfortable.  Her father is going to see her this evening, so that's a good thing. 

I talked to Rainbow this morning, that was fun.  I hope you enjoy your visit with her, Maureen. 

That's all for now.  Take good care of yourselves and those you love!

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