Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Good Day

It wasn't the most productive day, but it was good. I went to see Desiree's place, and the house is small, but the yard it dreamy: park-like. They should have a wonderful summer there.

I got some grocery shopping done, my mom stayed at the house with Tommy which made that job a little easier. In the next week I need to clean out the cupboards in our breakfast area so I can stow our snacks away a little better.

Tyler asked if we could walk to WOW! tonight, and as it wasn't pouring and tonight was the last WOW! I agreed. It's about a 25 minute walk pushing a loaded stroller. It was nice to get out and get the fresh air, but I have to admit that both on the way there, and on the way back I started to run out of steam about 100 yards from our destination. You know the old saying "uphill both ways"? I never believed it was possible, until tonight. Our walk is that exactly...start out walking a downward slope, and then have to go up to reach where we're going...uphill both ways at the end of the journey.

Funny though, it took less time to walk to the church from here than it did to drive from Port Orchard.

Tomorrow I plan to work around here and go nowhere but swimming. I need to finish unpacking, and then we can help Des again on Friday. We have plans for roasting marshmallows around the fire pit Friday, before Bible Study of course.

Last night I missed NCIS. It looked like a good episode, but I was distracted by something and didn't get to watch it. I haven't watched much TV at all these past couple weeks, not a complaiant-just an observation. The boys haven't played any video games either. Today I discovered that I can watch the episode

I hope you all are doing well. Rainbow, I didn't hear from you today. Is everything okay?

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