Sunday, May 31, 2009


Looking back over my posts for the last week I can see it looks like Travis has been the focus, and I guess that's okay from time to time.

Saturday I spent several hours over at the church in the nursery. There was a memorial service for a man who was loved and respected by many, many people. The sanctuary was packed, and they even had to put extra chairs in the balcony. I only caught part of the service on the speaker box, because we had 11 little ones in the nursery, but what I heard was powerfully emotional. Nathan Alexander was a good man.

I found it interesting to see so many faces I recognized from when I was a kid, and to see the offspring of people I went to youth group with. I know that most of them didn't recognize me, and I'm okay with that.

Today Jeff and I taught Children's church. We ran out of time. We actually ran over-time but managed to close with a meaningful prayer and dismiss before too many parents were standing there waiting for kids. We weren't even the last ones to pick up our nursery child, so we were doing alright.

After church Tyler went with Jeff on the bus run, Travis went to a friend's house, and I brought Tommy home for his nap. My step-daughter called to chat for a bit, and then Scott & Amanda came over with Josh.

Tyler, Josh, and the neighbor girl played in the pool for a long time, then played the PlayStation. Jeff and Scott helped grandpa put up a shade house tent thing. Eventually, after the kids were done in the pool, Jeff went in and then so did Amanda, then Tommy.

Grandpa asked, again, if this was a taste of how things were going to be. I said "yeah" and he started to shake his head and ask if his house would survive I kind of cut him off. I reminded him that he is always telling people about the many parties they used to throw, and how they hosted youth group meetings and adult bible studies and other activities. His response was something about those parties being "within reason". I don't think having one couple and their one child over for the afternoon is unreasonable. I think he's going to have to compromise and adapt. I also think he may start to see why I want to set up a living room in the basement for us to entertain in.

We went to the churches softball game this evening, and grandpa opted to stay home. He probably wanted to soak up some peace and quiet. We met up with Travis at the game and all the kids quietly went to bed when we got home.

Mom, I got some pictures of the kids in the pool, like you asked me to, but my camera is out in the car so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.


Kim said...

I graduated same class as Nathan, for some reason I cannot place his name or face. Sounds like he had a great life and was very accomplished. He certainly died too young. A reminder that life is so short.

Rainbow said...

I want to go swimming to it looks like fun!!