Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Returning the Favor

I spent most of the day helping Desiree pack up her house to move this week. Tomorrow morning I'm going with her to check out her new place...such a blessing for them.

Rainbow, sorry my phone died. Maybe it encouraged you to get your work done and stop yacking with me, lol.

The boys had swimming today, they're doing great. Tommy and I sat out, mostly because Tommy was napping on my shoulder for the first part of the hour, and then he was running around having fun.

Last night we had Crossover for the Cub Scouts. Tyler is now officially a Webelos Scout. I forgot my camera, and my phone didn't like taking pics last night for some reason...they all turned out blurry. Bummer. Anyway, I am not a den leader anymore, so I'll have to take my badge off my uniform. Now I'm officially the Advancement Chairperson, didn't I just give that position up over at the Boy Scout Troop? Maybe they won't find out. For the record, there is a whole lot less work involved in the Cub Scout position than the Boy Scout position. I only have to collect and report award information and pick up the awards. The Boy Scout Advancement chair has to arrange Boards of Review, plan the Courts of Honor, provide information on advancement opportunities, and encourage the boys personally to work on advancement along with the recordkeeping and shopping.

Crossover was fun. The Bear den did a great job on their two skits, there were plenty of awards, and for some reason there seemed to be more socializing during the dessert portion than usual. At least, I know I had more laughs than usual. All the leaders were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a picture of the pack, that was nice.

No Scouts next week, then back to normal schedule for the Boy Scouts. Cubs are done with official meetings until fall, but we have special events planned. Raingutter Regatta, Day Camp, Resident Camp, Kickball/Field Day, Family Camp, and a Bicycle Rodeo.

Tomorrow is our last night of WOW! until fall. Everything is coming to a close for summer, that hasn't sunk in yet. I suppose it will next week when we have nowhere to go. Actually, youth group might continue to meet after tomorrow, I need to check into that.

Travis is excited that he's going to Big Splash at Wild Waves at the end of the month with the youth group. It's a Christian Concert sponsored by Youth for Christ, the sample music on the website is pretty cool. www.bigsplash.org

Well, the kids are all tucked in their beds, fast asleep. Not all, Travis is relaxing, watching a movie. He keeps asking when we are going to have a day at home....soon, honey, soon. I need to shoo him off to bed pretty soon. Then I'm next.

Oh, here's Travis now. Good Night All!

1 comment:

Renlim73 said...

How exciting for Travis! I hope he has lots of fun!
Congratulations Tyler! I would love to see new pics of you & your brother in your uniforms. . .
Lori-Sounds like you might get to rest, and settle in over the next couple months. That would be good!
I hope you are all well, and will talk to you soon!