Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18th

Turbo Sculpt:  40 minutes
Ab Jam:  20 minutes

Wii Fit Age:  22

I took the kids to Illahee State Park this afternoon.  They played at the playground for awhile, then we went down to the beach where they threw rocks in the water.  Tommy has decided that muddy hands need to be wiped off.....on mommy's legs.  We'll have to break that habit real soon.

The boys got their chores and schoolwork done today with very little stalling, so it was good.

We watched Popeye tonight, starring Robin Williams.  That was good for a few laughs, and now I'm trying to get them to calm down and go to sleep.

March 17th

Cardio Party:  45 minutes
Ab Jam:  10 minutes standing

Wii Fit Age:  45 (a.m.)  20 (afternoon)

It was a rough morning.

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