Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26th

Cardio Party 2:  45 minutes
Ab Jam:  20 minutes

Wii Fit Age:  24

It's another beautiful day, and we are on spring break.  The boys had a good time playing outside this afternoon, and they even had Tommy with them for a good portion of the time.

Tommy did not take a nap today, and he did run, play, and roll down a hill today.  I'm hoping to get him in bed and down for the night by 9:00.

Maureen, it's so nice to hear I've been able to inspire somebody.  This week has been a rough one for me, not being on schedule and not seeing the results I want on the scale.  I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I need to work out 6 days a week for my health, regardless of whether or not I lose any more weight (although I feel confident I will lose weight again, I really think this plateau has more to do with starting strength training than anything else). 

Melissa, I need you to keep reminding me that the scale is not a great indicator of how I'm really doing.  I need to keep looking for those non-scale victories.

Rainbow, keep at it girl!  I know you are crazy busy right now, but remember to take that hour or so everyday to take care of you!

Everybody else, have a great weekend!

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