Thursday, March 11, 2010

Non-Scale Victory!

That's what Melissa calls them--non-scale victories!  Well, I think I had one this morning.  Both my pairs of jeans (yes, I only have 2 pair that fit) are in the laundry getting ready for me to wash, dry, and pack for this weekend's retreat.  I want to go to the store, and don't really feel like dressing in slacks, etc...  There's a pair of jeans in the dresser that are one size down, and I think that maybe I can squeeze into them.  I pull them on, button them up, and zip without even the slightest tug of resistance!!!  Yay!!!  That is a non-scale victory!

Have a Great Day Everyone!  Don't Forget to Exercise!

1 comment:

Kim said...

that is indeed a victory...good job