Friday, January 30, 2009

Is it Friday again?

Another Friday, another sleepover night. Not that I mind, I'm glad the kids are entertaining each other. It has been the last 3 Friday nights though, so I think I'll have to say no sleepover next Friday. I need some quiet.

The boys were using their camera, and took these pictures tonight:

I did mention he's a climber, right? I found him on top of the monitor one day. He just wants the telephone.

Travis to the rescue. Tommy didn't really want to be rescued, and I was snatching him back down less than 2 minutes later. Do any of you have any advice for dealing with a climber? Or for keeping my patience in check?
We took Melissa and Geoff to the airport this afternoon. Safe flying, you two! We'll miss you, and love you always. May God bless and protect you while you are away....
I am a little irritated with my 11-year old for growing so quickly. Almost all of his jeans are too short for him annoying! Not that he can help it, but wow! He is becoming a big help again. You know how little kids like to help their parents, then they grow out of it? Well, I'm hoping what I'm seeing lately is growing back into it. Today he made lunches for all of us to take on our airport journey. I asked him to make the sandwiches, but he bagged them all in lunch bags, packed oranges, and even wrote our names on the bags. How sweet.
Tyler doesn't mind Travis growing so fast, he just inherited a batch of dress shirts last week, and he dresses up every day. I'll have to make a point to get a picture soon. His usual uniform is slacks, a dress shirt, tie, and vest. He's adorable. I often think of him as a little Alex Keaton. We are working on the emerging attitude. God knows just how much I can take. As a rule only one of the kids gives me attitude at a time.
Hey Manny, thanks for the laugh tonight. I needed it...."drag", right. Have a safe trip tomorrow. Rainbow......BLOG! You should come up for my birthday, or your birthday, or Valentine's Day, or Travis's The point is, come visit soon.
Alright, love you guys! I gotta close this. Good Night.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds like you sure have your hands full! I have no advice on little climbers...maybe put the phone where he can reach it, lol. Where is Rainbow going? Is she taking Cara to Salt Lake? She hasn't blogged in forever so I am out of the loop.